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Edge of the Map is absolutely not the grandiose pseudonym of Matt Menhenett, a Cornish photographer and designer who doesn't quite know how to quit.


He's designed everything from bespoke branding to billboards, digital media to magazines and more graphics and logos than you could shake a stick at. He's taken amazing photos in bluntly stupid conditions to satisfy his dangerous obsession with being constantly creative. Somehow his photography of Cornwall (and other scarier places, like Devon) has been featured by the Telegraph, The Daily Mail, Coast Magazine, Jessops, Carve Magazine, Cornwall Living and highlighted He was highly commended for a nationwide photography award for 'S T R E N G T H' with literally no evidence of bribery, and then again for 'W A L K W A Y' (again, with no evidence of bribery). Then, becauase the world needs a constant runner-up, he came second in the 2018 (and 2019) Muddy Stilettos awards.


He's stuck his fingers in pies owned by brands like Starbucks, McDonalds, Costa Coffee, Waterstones, Burger King, Tim Hortons, Circular&Co., Aria Resorts and more to design collaborative materials or sprinkle a little bit of madness into their content. Recently, he's taken to writing in third person with an eloquence he didn't know he possessed, but is a little worried announcing this skill will make people think he’s bonkers. You can reach him through the contact area below or by crying his name into the sky under a full moon, but the latter is a bit of a longshot.

On a more serious note, Matt lives in Cornwall where he takes photos of all things Cornish, be they brands, people, landscapes or broken bits of buidling. With waterproof camera housing and drones there's very few areas of photography he hasn't dabbled in and is more than willing to give anything a shot. He also spends a large amount of time doodling graphics which he sells worldwide and helps create for local charities. Sometimes he even sits down for 5 minutes.

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Cornish Photographer
© Copyright 2022 by Edge of the Map
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